
This is my last week of freedom, as I know it. Between now and Aug. 8, I have to finish planning our year of school, and plan for our annual beach house vacation.

Planning for the beach vacation is a full-time job in itself. Being as obsessed with lists as I am, this year I have decided to make a master list that I will just print out and change as needed. I'm hoping that will make things go more smoothly for everyone.

I'm also planning on putting the boys totally in charge of packing all their stuff like I did last year. I do have to check their clothes before we leave, though...they have a tendancy to pick "spy outfits" which consist of black or navy blue athletic shorts and black or navy blue t-shirts! Not exactly what I'd like to take pictures of them in at the beach!!

As far as planning school goes, I'm excited to finish up, but a little nervous too. Fortunately I have many good friends who have been home schooling for many years and will be more than happy to hold my hand if I need it! I just have to score some "alone time" in the office and then I'll be fine...

The week we get back, I plan on starting school. I know that sounds crazy, but I just want to sort of "dip our toes in the water", so to speak. I'm planning on the week not going well and I'd like to get the rough bumpy spots out of the way before we really need to get down to business. After I get in my grove, I'm sure I'll delay the start of school as long as I can next year!! I love me some summer time laziness!

1 readers took time to leave a thought:

Lakeville Vertical July 29, 2009 at 9:53 AM  

Have a wonderful vacation. I know how hard it is to get it all planned but the joy of a vacation makes it all worth the stress. Good luck on your first week of school. Let us know how it goes. I'll be thinking of you. :)

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