
I'm still sad today about Polly. This morning when I opened the shades in the living room, I saw a flash of movement on the porch and instinctively went open the door to put out cat food. It was the neighbor's black and white cat and for a wild moment I thought of catching it and "stealing" it to replace Polly.

I can't believe I'm this distraught about a cat! I'm crying again right now. I just looked at the Humane Society adoption page for cats and realized that I don't really want a cat, I just really loved Polly and she's not here any more.


Ok, enough.

We're going to our annual "snapping apples" adventure with friends of ours this afternoon. Right now I'm supposed to be finishing a Meeup pouch for a customer so that I can have my very petite friend model it for me at the apple orchard for a photo on my website. So, why am I blogging......?

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