
He wrote his name
for the first time.

I'm so excited that I
get to be the one
to teach him
how to read

Home school

3 readers took time to leave a thought:

Homegrown Tribe May 22, 2009 at 11:03 PM  

so cool! His print is very nice... doesn't Alec have sloppy[er] print?

Have a great weekend if I don't talk to you!


Penelope Sharpe May 24, 2009 at 12:12 AM  

That's so great! What an accomplishment for both of you! It's so fun watching your child "get it," and for my part, I love listening to my little girl think out loud when she's working on something that is complicated to her. Her thoughts are so great! I look forward to hearing about more of your adventures in homeschooling.

Kate May 24, 2009 at 7:40 PM  

Awww...is he a lefty? I think Mylo's gonna be a lefty.

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