
With our free passes in hand (compliments of Marvin's mom), we took our annual trek to the Home and Garden Show on Saturday. The building we always love to go into is amazing. All the top landscapers in the area come and create these front-yard sized landscapes, complete with blooming flowers and huge trees. They always have a different theme; this year is was "Storybook Gardens". There was a Noah's ark, a Narnia (that you entered through a wardrobe, of course!) and a Hundred Aker Wood, among others.

This one was Mr. Magregor's garden (from The Tales of Peter Rabbit)

I wanted to take this adorable little stone house home with us! It's incredible that all this is indoors and stays alive and vibrant for over a week.
Benji was a bit whiny, he had slept on the way there and doesn't like to be interrupted from his nap. At one point I had to tell him, "Benji, please just enjoy the gardens- our yard will never look like this!" (If you've read my profile, you'll see that it says I dream of being an exceptional gardener. . .)
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2 readers took time to leave a thought:

Homegrown Tribe March 4, 2008 at 1:40 PM  

I love that picture of Ava looking at the garden. My dad used to take me the home and garden show every year... it was always fun.

see ya later, Britt

Kate March 4, 2008 at 3:11 PM  

Yes, my garden has been featured at this show many times....KIDDING. I LOOK at a plant and it dies. My mother in law plants a few flowers in my yard every year out of pity, then my husband waters them. : )

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