
Monday Musings

We actually had a really nice weekend. Marvin and the boys went fishing for a little on Sunday (and how nice to have a whole day to ourselves, since we had gone to church on Sat.!) and I just kind of hung around the house with Ava. We also got a little yard work done, organized our yard tool shed, and ate many meals together!!!! That is a major event here, since Marvin's crazy work schedule keeps him away for most meals during the week.

This week will be full of before pictures of our playroom and office, as we begin to de-clutter and move the contents of the playroom out so we can paint. I went and got paint swatches on Sunday, and yes Brittany, you may be right. . .I think the room needs to be some sort of yellow.

I'm also going to be working a bit on finishing up the boys room and hopefully posting pics of their bed curtains that I finally finished, along with how-to instructions.

1 readers took time to leave a thought:

Homegrown Tribe May 7, 2008 at 6:12 PM  

I think you'll like yellow. :)

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