
The week is continuing to run smoothly with the me being the "schedule nazi". Stopping all housework at three o'clock and starting dinner prep when Alec gets home from school has totally revolutionized our days!

For starters, I know that I have a limited amount of time to get done what I need to and it makes me stay focused and not spend time doing extra things (like blogging!). Also, Ava tends to freak out when I cook dinner, so I've been putting her in her high chair right away after school and giving her a snack. She'll stay happily munching away while I cook dinner and clean up!

I've been having Alec do homework while I fix dinner, so that he's in the kitchen with me if he needs help. After dinner's made or in the oven and the kitchen is cleaned and homework is done, we just kind of hang out, take a walk, etc. till about 5:30 or so, then we eat.

By 7:00, the boys are headed upstairs to pick up their room and put on jammies while I"m putting Ava to bed. Sadly, this has taken away some of the time Marvin gets to spend with Ava, (he usually doesn't get home till 7:00) but all in all, it's been very nice and smooth.

I've been able to close the kitchen and "clock out" around 8:30 each night, a far cry from my usual 9:30 or even 10:00!

For more great information on scheduling and housekeeping with young children, visit my link in the sidebar to the FlyLady website.

1 readers took time to leave a thought:

McSarah May 1, 2008 at 11:30 PM  

allright stinky! remember, i don't blog! I will look at pictures but rarely do I leave comments... are we still friends??? hee hee love you!!! can't wait for the girls night out!

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