
Stuff and Nonsense

Ok, either my Thursday's Treasures post was really lame or no one read my blog that day...
Sorry you all! Look for a delicious Zutano find in this week's post.

Here's something funny:

Note to self~ don't wear low-rise jeans on a hayride! Tee-hee!
We went on the annual Fall Fun event for Cubscouts last night. One long hayride out to an open field and bonfire, games, smores, bobbing for apples, and then one long hayride back to our car. Fun, but cold, and I don't know anyone else there except my husband and kids. I wasn't feeling very social, just enjoying the fact that my MIL came to sit with Ava at our house and that meant I didn't have to keep her from singeing her eyelashes in the fire or closely inspecting the port-a-potties!

This morning, Ava's a bit psycho, doing the baby monkey on speed routine again, so I"m quickly getting all the necessities done (like blogging! LOL!) while she's napping. . .

Laundry's calling. . .

3 readers took time to leave a thought:

Homegrown Tribe October 27, 2008 at 2:23 PM  

nothing like straw in your pants! :)

hope your little money settles down! :)


My2Gs October 27, 2008 at 2:59 PM  

I've always thought that there needs to be a happy medium between low rise jeans and "Mom pants." LOL. Either that or Body suits need to come back into fashion :)

Chrysanthemama October 28, 2008 at 11:00 AM  

"Baby monkey on speed"
Oh, I am going to have to use that one. LOL!

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