
stuff and nonsense

Any one else ever get really, really stupid and cranky during that "special" time of the month? I'm enjoying my week of cotton-headed angst, complete with a toddler with a cold!

I'm freezing cold (another thing that I really enjoy during my "special" time), and sitting here staring down the P.I.L.E. of sewing waiting for me on my work table. A Meeup carrier for a review, three unlined valances for my office, a mound of red fleece for the curtains in the boys room, a naked pillow form that needs to be covered. OH, and I musn't forget the 4 H.U.G.E. rubbermaid containers sitting in the middle of the floor in the office containing the fluff and stuff that make it Christmas-y around here.

We got the outside decorations put up over the weekend, and I'm going gung-ho on the indoor ones, trying to get them finished before Ava's birthday party on Sunday. Shouldn't be a problem, except for the fact that I can't seem to stop wiping Ava's nose or changing my er, well, you-know-what, long enough to even crack the lids on those tubs.

Don't get me wrong, this is N.O.T. a "poor-me" post...just tryin' to keep it real!

Anyone else out there throwing twinkle lights and tinsel at everything right now?

5 readers took time to leave a thought:

Sara Kay December 1, 2008 at 4:00 PM  

I am pretty much right there with ya. On all accounts...

Charity December 2, 2008 at 9:51 AM  

Ahh, yes. We also have the outside done but the tree and trimmings are proving a bit more daunting.

Although I won't be having any "special" times of the month for a while (wink), I do know all too well about that. I am heading over to your meeUp site...want to get grandma a carrier oh and of course one for me too! Your blog is adorable by the way, I totally enjoy reading what you have to say ;)

I have never used a sling or anything before but I really want to this (last) time around.

Irene Joy December 2, 2008 at 10:40 AM  

I'm so there right now. My poor family has had it with my grumpy mood swings...

Lakeville Vertical December 3, 2008 at 11:13 AM  

We got up our decorations this last weekend and it's good to be done. Now I just wish I didn't have to shovel the driveway from our snow storm last night. Oh well.
Haven't had a special time of the month in almost a year so I can't say I'm there with ya. But, I do remember the fun that comes with it. I had it for 20 years before I was blessed with surgery. :) Hang in there. I'm thinking of you. Not getting much exercise these days. I need to get back on track-how about you??

Unknown December 4, 2008 at 10:51 AM  

Hi! Just came across your blog from 4 Little Men. Your children are the CUTEST, but I'm sure you knew that already. :)

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