(I'm not technically back, but
here's a teeny, tiny post, since I know you all must be on the edge of your seats wondering what we're up to!)
We had company for lunch yesterday. We typically don't share our food with our animals, but I made an exception for Horton. He was very kindly invited to share a meal with us by Ava, who cooked him up a special sandwich and beverage in her Rose Petal Cottage.
And, totally unrelated, here's a funny from miss Ava:
A couple of days ago, I asked her if she was cold and wanted a sweater. She waggled her finger at me and said, "Nope! That's only grownup problem!"
Um, she's only 26 mos. old. . .
2 readers took time to leave a thought:
That's funny. We have unexpected guests come to dinner all the time. Good thing we have a few extra seats at the table.
Hilarious...that little Ava is such a character! I love her!
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