
Prayer Request

Friday night at church, Ava slipped off a piano bench and smashed her face. We initially thought her front tooth had been knocked out, but a couple hours, less blood and a trip to Children's Hospital later, we discovered that the tooth was actually jammed way up into her top gums.

She is in a tremendous amount of pain, there is tons of swelling, her nose and upper lip are completely distorted. She is having trouble eating and drinking, and can no longer have her beloved pacifiers due to the injury.

Please pray for wisdom for the pediatric dentist we will see tomorrow, wisdom for Marvin and I to know how to handle the situation, and peace and healing for Ava.

There is a very small chance that the baby tooth has crashed into her adult tooth and if so it will have to be pulled out. There is a more likely chance that the baby tooth will just "grow" back down on it's own in a couple of months. This is, obviously, the better option.

I'm exhausted, we have been up late two nights and my arm is going numb from carrying Ava around constantly. I feel like this is my fault; I nearly skipped the function we went to Friday night where she got hurt because I had a headache. I wish I had stayed home. I completely blame myself for her accident and feel like I made the wrong choice.

I know this isn't about me, it's about Ava and her injury, but I feel guilty to the max. Please pray for me, I'm devastated every time I look at her beautiful, mangled little face and hear her saying, "Mommy, my mouf hurts, I want my owie to go away!"

6 readers took time to leave a thought:

Sara Kay May 17, 2009 at 2:28 PM  

Poor baby! If it makes you feel any better, Hannah did almost the same thing (didn't knock her teeth up, but back a little) a few weeks ago when she fell off the piano bench. She sits up there all the time, but I wasn't watching her that closely. Her lip was swollen for days and even black and blue in one area. But she's okay! Ava will get through it too. Part of being a kid... :)

Katy May 17, 2009 at 10:27 PM  

Ahhh - prayers for all of you! Mouth injuries are the worst!

Keep us posted on what you find out!


Aleah May 18, 2009 at 3:24 PM  

Oh, I'm sorry...
No fun when kids get hurt.

I'll say a prayer for your little girl, that she heals quickly and the pain goes away fast.

Totally not your fault at all!

Lakeville Vertical May 21, 2009 at 1:04 AM  

Oh Shelly I am sorry that I haven't check in on you and now I read this. Poor Ava. I bet it was traumatizing. I can only imagine the pain. Do not blame yourself. You don't know the reason for this and who knows what might have happened if you had stayed home. Injuries can happen anywhere at anytime. Hang in there and I hope she feels better soon.

OUR WILD ZOO! June 1, 2009 at 2:25 AM  

I don't know how I stumbled across your blog, but I love it-you have a beautiful family! I just read about your daughter's tooth and my 2 year old did the very same thing to his front left tooth a month ago. He was attempting to jump backwards into the pool and hit it on the ledge. I saw him going for it (the daring jump) and I hesitated for a moment-and BAM the damage was done. He was traumatized, I was traumatized and I cried for longer than he did =) His tooth is slowly inching back down, we're praying the very same thing for our little guy. I will keep Ava in prayer each time I pray for healing in our own baby's mouth. I blogged about this topic the end of April and it was amazing how similar the feeling/story was. Just letting you know I sympathize from a mom whose been there! I just felt SO bad.

Unknown August 11, 2009 at 9:32 AM  


My daughter Jessica also fell and pushed her front tooth into her gums on May 31, the pediatrician dentist also said to wait to see if her tooth came out on her own, if not it would have to be removed (also to watch out for infection, swelling, abcess). Her tooth was coming down and we were so happy but four days ago she developed an abcess in her gums and the pediatrician dentist it has to be removed, I am devastaded,not only because she is going to be left without her tooth for so long (she is only 2 years and 7 months) but also because she will have to go through pain again when the surgeon removes her tooth. Like you I felt guilty,but to feel better I tell myself that it was an accident. How is your beautiful daughter doing? I hope her tooth does not have to be extracted. Thanks.


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