
Nothin' much...

We had a VERY busy week scheduled

We had 

tap class
choir rehersal
mom's group
another mom's group
home group
date night
basketball game
birthday party

all scheduled
{so far}
all canceled!

So...thank you, Snow, for giving me 

a week of quiet

a week of playing

a week of NO schedule (except my own)

a week of snowball fights
wet mittens 
hot chocolate

a week of reading books to the kids till I'm thirsty
and a week of

beauty in my back yard

but Snow, please don't stay too much longer...

I'm ready for some warm sunshine
no hats

4 readers took time to leave a thought:

Megan February 10, 2010 at 8:10 PM  

Oh, Shelly.... I'm singing the same song. I love the snow...but I'm done.

Please, SPRING....come soon.

Megan February 10, 2010 at 8:51 PM  

Shelly... Thanks for your sweet words about my new blog header. (I spent hours playing around with it...and stood on a ladder to take my "shots"). My husband thought the whole thing was hilarious.

Muthering Heights February 10, 2010 at 10:21 PM  

Thank goodness for snow!! :)

Homegrown Tribe February 16, 2010 at 11:18 AM  

so does this mean you aren't thrilled with our new snow! It's the most gorgeous snowy winter for our last one. :)


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