
What I'd tell them...

...if I was leaving them till heaven

Use your God given gifts well, and always for His glory

Do not be afraid to be different

Do not follow anyone or anything but Jesus and His truth

Seek first God's kingdom above all other goals or desires

Be a servant, serve with your whole heart, but only after caring for the needs of your family

Never forget to enjoy God's creation- He gave us 5 senses; use them to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell the tangibility of your Creator

Follow God's plans as laid out in His word for guidance with your material wealth, and give generously of everything you have been given

Remember that your heavenly Father is merciful; there is no sin you can commit that He will not forgive if you ask

Forgive as you were forgiven

Be confident in yourself; no matter what you hear from the world, you were created in God's image and you are who you are for a specific and divine reason and plan

Read your Bible every day, the word of God is powerful and alive, and will guide you when you feel uncertain

Always remember that Daddy and I love you, you are our treasures from Heaven and even if we are not with you in flesh, we will always hold you close in our hearts.

2 readers took time to leave a thought:

Erin May 15, 2010 at 7:53 AM  

Beautiful post!

Homegrown Tribe May 15, 2010 at 7:14 PM  

beautiful post to her beautiful children.

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