
Cosmic City Part Three

I"m sitting here typing with an iced coffee and a plate of baked no-no's. Sounds nice, but I'm trying to shake off this headache I woke up with and the feeling of dread that's creeping over me as I look at the clock.

Last night I was a tad late for VBS, but everything went smoothly till about 8:00. Benji simply couldn't take any more (and frankly, neither could I) and I just had to take him home. Sounds simple, but in order to do that I had to find Mrs. H and request permission to turn over my 12 little cherubs to my two helpers, and find Alec's group and take him and two of his friends out, also.

When we got home, Alec had a complete meltdown. We're talking screaming, wailing, falling on the floor, stomping, the works. I was completely startled until I remembered that he had spent the night at a friend's house the night before and they had stayed up till 11:30 doing whatever it is that 7 year old little boys do in the middle of the night.

Our desperate remedy for that was a little one-on-one time with Daddy and the announcement that we had decided to let him keep one of Polly's kittens. That worked nicely and we had both boys tucked in by around 10:00 (2 hours past bedtime!)

This morning everyone slept in (a complete and total miracle- no one here will sleep past 7:00 except me!), but I got up feeling like I had a VBS hangover, complete with a cotton filled headache and, again, a rotten attitude. I decided that I would not do anything at all today except keep the kids safe and fed. We went to my lovely friend Sarah's house to kill a couple of hours and I looked at her vacation photos from their recent trip to Yellowstone. My boys played happily with her boys and her daughter played with Ava.

I've fed us lunch and plopped the boys down in front of unlimited TV and movies for the rest of the afternoon. And no, I don't feel at all guilty! Ava's napping, I'm going to shower and then continue to do nothing till it's time to leave. Maybe we'll feast on air and paper for dinner. . .

2 readers took time to leave a thought:

McSarah June 27, 2008 at 12:46 AM  

LOVE IT! A VBS hangover!!! You funny lady! It was nice to semi-hang out this morning. Next time its no kids and shopping.

McSarah June 27, 2008 at 12:59 AM  

testing testing... I think I found out how to get "my" picture next to my comment. do you like?

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