
The End

Today marks the end of my adventures in running a pet shop on my front porch.

I emailed the mom of a friend of Alec's from school last year on a whim to ask her if she wanted our last little kitty, Marble. She had seen Polly at one of Alec's birthday parties and had fallen in love with her, saying that if we ever didn't want her to keep them in mind.

Not 5 hours later, Tara was standing on my front porch holding Marble and Polly was saying goodbye. She licked him all over his little head and paws; it was so cute and sad.

It was harder than I expected to say goodbye to them, but I was getting so tired of the dirty, furry towels, overflowing litter box, dog crate, and various dead critters decorating our front porch. I"ve cleaned it all up and am so ready to return to normal.

Now it's off to our local Humane Society to participate in their low cost spay/neuter clinic so this doesn't happen all over again!

1 readers took time to leave a thought:

Anonymous July 18, 2008 at 2:31 PM  

Ahh, kittens. Glad you are back to normal!

Two boys and then a little girl...that's what we have (so far!) too!

I found you through the blog-vine...from 4 Little Men. Looks like we have stuff in common...hop on over to my place if you want. Good day to do it, too...I'm having giveaways from my favorite natural baby store!!


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