
Museums and Moving

Yesterday we went a couple of hours south of us to help my sister in law move into a new apartment. It's near the childrens museum that we went to on spring break, so we used the trip as an excuse to visit it again. It's surprising how much difference just a couple of months makes in Ava's developmental abilities.
She had to climb on and drive everything she saw
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2 readers took time to leave a thought:

Homegrown Tribe August 4, 2008 at 4:05 PM  

I was wondering how it went... Looks like fun! Is Benji feeling better?


Lakeville Vertical August 4, 2008 at 11:48 PM  

I love Ava's outfit. It's darn cute! I wish our museum was closer and cheaper for that matter. Maybe on a rainy or snowy day I'll have to get back up there.
So, VBS was great. I'll be blogging about it tonight. Lots of kinks to work out but I'm so blessed to have been a part of this. Thanks for checking in on me! Have a great week. :)

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