

First let me say that I'm getting tired of looking at my blog template. Hopefully after school starts I'll be able to take the time to change it.

Secondly, I'm sick. The kids had what I thought was a really bad bout of hay fever/seasonal allergies last week. Turns out they had colds, Alec and Ava are pretty much better but Benji has a lingering cough in the night so he's not sleeping well and able to heal quickly.
Marvin was home sick yesterday, and we both had low fevers. Today I have a lumpy sore throat and my ears hurt.

Thirdly, we are leaving at the end of the week for our annual, much anticipated vacation to a little village on a lake north of us. We are staying for an entire week in a rented house and I'm faced with the massive responsibility to pack food, linens, clothing and what ever else for 5 people for 8 days.

I'm a big list maker and planner-ahead for trips. I"m also a fanatic and a little OCD about having my house spotless when we leave. You know, who likes to come home with a mess in the car to dump out into an already messy house? It's just too depressing.

I'm getting a little worried, it's Wednesday and nary a list has been even thought about. I'm going to try to do it today; I need to figure out the food situation so that I can pick up what I need to on my Friday grocery run. Oh, wait! I was going to make several meals to freeze ahead of time so I'm not cooking every night there...going to the grocery on Friday doesn't help me much with that. That might mean I have to go today or tomorrow...I need to feel better RIGHT NOW!!!!!

6 readers took time to leave a thought:

My2Gs August 6, 2008 at 9:28 AM  

You poor thing. It always stinks when moms are sick because we don't feel well, yet we have to take care of everyone else. I sure hope this will pass quickly for you.
~ Lacie

Lakeville Vertical August 6, 2008 at 10:48 AM  

Have fun on your vacation!! Even if the house isn't clean or something is forgotten it will be wonderful to enjoy each other for 8 days! Enjoy.

MerrandaVK August 6, 2008 at 12:24 PM  

It is SO HARD to be mom and homemaker when you are sick!!!! Here's hoping you feel better and get some energy to get ready for your vaca. We are going up to my IN LAWS up north 5 hours in a few weeks, and I am already dreading all the prep :)

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks August 6, 2008 at 1:45 PM  

You sound so much like me - OCD - thats me - list maker - me!

By the way - I like your template.

Amanda August 7, 2008 at 7:53 AM  

I feel your pain! I tallied up my prep hours just out of curiosity last time we went away. Our trip was a short one and it took me 18 hours to get ready! And I wasn't even sick. It's ridiculous! But once you pull out of the driveway, you can forget it all! Feel better, o.k.?

elizabeth embracing life August 9, 2008 at 4:06 PM  

I hope you were able to get yourself together with the food lists. I know that makes vacation so much more fun, when all the prep is done, for the most part. Happy VACATION--->That's a summer song!

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