
Baby's Got a New Pair of Shoes!

Here are the adorable shoes I ordered for lil' miss Ava last night! They feature soft leather, a flexible sole for early walkers, and a REMOVEABLE squeaker in the heel. I hope my next post isn't titled "I Hate Squeaky Shoes"!!
Available at Wee Squeak
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4 readers took time to leave a thought:

My2Gs September 26, 2008 at 9:49 AM  

I love them! I'll have to check out that site. In response to your comment...It's a new build. It's actually the second home we have built. We vow that it's the last time we're moving until we go to the nursing home *wink* LOL!

Kate September 26, 2008 at 10:59 AM  

Did our meeting on Wednesday convict you to finally just pick a pair?! Ha! Just kidding.

I DO love them! Can't wait to see Ava in them. :) Now you just need to get her the perfect shad of lipstick to match them. :)

Lakeville Vertical September 26, 2008 at 12:29 PM  

How cute are these. You are starting her out early and a girls gotta have shoes. :)

MerrandaVK September 29, 2008 at 1:58 PM  

I have seen these and love them. I am going to get Rhys a pair.. maybe for his birthday or Christmas in December?? I hope they hav boy shoes.. I'll go check this site out.

Ava is going to be quite stylin' in those :)

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