
It's messy in here!

Yep, my house is messy! I'm trying to do the work of about 5 people to get ready for Christmas. We host the family on Christmas Day, so I'm doing extra stuff, like lining valances for our office and filling picture frames.

As if any of that stuff is necessary to ensure the sucess of our meal!

I'm actually waaaay behind on planning for that meal. My menu looks like this:

Sweet Potatoes

Hmmm, not very complete or festive! It will come together, it always does, but in the meantime, I'm letting it get messy in here and trying not to care...(that's impossible but I'm working on it!)

Anyone have any Christmas food traditions to help inspire me?

4 readers took time to leave a thought:

Lucky December 21, 2008 at 1:26 PM  

oh...I feel you! I am trying to talk myself out of putting up our "fancy" tree b/c my sister will be in town!
As for food...we always have Italian Wedding soup, any kind of soup is a good filler. Some kind of salad and rolls, too.

Kelli December 22, 2008 at 10:37 AM  

You know what is always a hit...the chips and dip and relish tray. Crazy right, but so true.

Kate December 22, 2008 at 9:32 PM  

LOVE adorable Ava's pigtails! :)

Homegrown Tribe December 27, 2008 at 11:44 PM  

love those pig tails!

So, what did you end up making for dinner... wait until you hear what we had! ha!


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