
I'm so excited

...and I just can't hide it!

Change is happening, change is good

Marvin accepted a position recently at work that was a promotion.  It meant a tad more time away from home, but not much, and it meant more enjoyment for him at work, more challenge and fulfillment.

I totally think that Marvin deserves to do something he enjoys since he spends most of his day at work, working to support us (while I sit at home and eat bon bons and the maid and nanny run things)

So, I was excited for him, a little nervous for us, but eagerly trusting in Jesus to take us where He wants us to go with this.

Well, here's more of the excitement...

Marvin has to go to Chicago for training, and we're tagging along! 
(One of the MANY benefits of homeschool.)

Not only that, but we're staying FREE at the Palmer House Hilton in downtown Chicago.  OK, seriously, click the link and drool.  It's going to feel a tad strange parading our family of 5 through that posh lobby; I hope my boys can resist the urge to play ninja in the elevators

We also get free admission to nearly all the awesome museums there because of a reciprocity program that includes a museum that we already have a membership to.

AND, Marvin was approved to take all of Monday as a travel day, so that means we can leave a day early and have a whole day together before he starts training.

So, I'm sure you can tell that I've never been to Chicago before, huh!  My plan is to not freak out that I'm in a brand new city "without" Marvin, take the bus to our museums so I don't get lost, and bring plenty of suckers (organic from Trader Joes' of course!) to stave off any budding temper tantrums.

I'm also intending to be a major wet blanket and take some of the boys school work. Hee-hee!  Hopefully the shininess of the hotel will distract them from the fact that they both strongly dislike math.

Marvin's classes are right in the hotel, and he's finished each day at 5, so we'll have the evenings to go and see what we can see together.  I"m praying for nice weather so we can walk out on Navy Pier and such without being blown away.


Tomorrow is my birthday (I'm turning 27 again!)


Thanks to the generosity of her blog readers, it looks like Brittany and family will be returing home in a couple of weeks to pack their house and officially move out.  While I'm devastated that it looks like they still might not be able to save their house, I'm ecstatic that I get to see her and the kids for several weeks.


Have a great weekend, you all!

8 readers took time to leave a thought:

My2Gs November 14, 2009 at 10:14 AM  

Happy Birthday Shelly! I hope you and your family have a fabulous time in Chicago :-)

Will and Olivia November 14, 2009 at 1:20 PM  

I LOVE Chicago! You are going to have such a great time! What a great birthday treat! Happy birthday, again! Have Fun!!! Enjoy all the great restaurants, like Bubba Gump's!

Michelle Jamie November 14, 2009 at 4:21 PM  

happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you...happy birthday dear Shelly...happy Birthday to you!!!

Aleah November 16, 2009 at 1:30 PM  

Nice hotel!! Wow, that's going to be fun! Museums, all the history of the city. Can't wait to see your pictures!

Kate November 16, 2009 at 3:05 PM  

I clicked. I drooled. I decided. I'm going with you!! The nanny can watch and homeschool the kids while we shop!!

k.mart November 20, 2009 at 2:54 PM  

Popped over from A Little Bit Funky... such cute stuff... you are obviously talented in so many ways!

Thanks for sharing!

Anne November 24, 2009 at 12:49 PM  

came over from your giveaway on a little bit funky to say hi! great giveaway by the way!

Miss G November 24, 2009 at 11:56 PM  

Hi Shelley, I came over from Crystal's blog. I love Chicago! If you care to stop by my blog and enter chicago in the search box, I have some different recommendations for some of our favorite places. The Tribune Tower might be a neat homeschooling thing to look at as it has different rocks and stones from famous landmarks all over the world embedded into it. You could have a history/geography lesson while standing in front of the building. Enjoy your trip!! Kelly

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