






I took pictures of these precious children last week.

They belong to my best friend Sarah.

I took the pictures in front of the barn at my other best friend's house.
I was sad, but we had fun.

I've known Sarah since we both got preggers with our boys, Benji and Noah
(Noah's 6, and Benji's 6 in a few weeks)

We didn't really connect until after the boys were born, but since then we've been as tight as
peanut butter and jelly!

We stuck to our guns when Benji and Noah went through the
"I'm two and I don't share" phase,
and it paid off.
Noah and Benji are best friends now, too.

Our friendship has weathered job losses, another baby, summers and school years, parents moving, a very long mission trip, sickness and more sickness,
nursing school and home school.

Through each change, we've changed and shifted,
always making time for each other,
making time for our kids to play.

Ava is like a little sister to Sarah's daughter Mia.
Alec looks up to Nate, Sarah's oldest

Our husbands are friends

I love her mom and dad

I love her kids like they're mine

We know everything (maybe too much!) about each other

This is a friendship I cherish

{Sarah, I can't wait to see what your nurse says about you when you get old!}

5 readers took time to leave a thought:

McSarah November 12, 2009 at 3:21 PM  

You are awesome! Thanks for making me feel loved : )Not that I doubted your love HC

Homegrown Tribe November 12, 2009 at 3:41 PM  

adorable children! :)

and oh the barn, the barn...


Anonymous November 12, 2009 at 3:53 PM  

Beautiful, Shelli -

thoughtful words......

Kate November 13, 2009 at 12:59 PM  

What a good friend you are. :)

Anonymous November 15, 2009 at 3:33 PM  

Sarah is not only a wonderful friend but she was my children's big sister. She is loved! Fresno, CA

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