
Blue Moon

When I was a little girl, the moon woke me up at night,
so bright.
My window was high in my wall
my room was often flooded
with moonlight.

I would sit up and 
 for what seemed like hours
and be amazed at how
lit the night sky.

I always look at the sky now
and notice the moon

the moon is pure white
like the icy air drained its color;
like pearls on a black dress

It distracted me all the way home

Tonight the sky is bright enough
to sit outside
in the country
and read a book


bright enough to wake my little girl

2 readers took time to leave a thought:

Muthering Heights January 30, 2010 at 10:51 PM  

That is soooo beautiful!!

Sara Kay February 1, 2010 at 12:24 AM  

:) The moon was beautiful here tonight too!

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