
It's 9:01

and I've

gotten up (at 6:15)

made the bed

gotten dressed

started laundry

folded laundry

walked/ran for 30 min on the treadmill

brushed my teeth

helped Marvin out the door

made smoothies

served applesauce

put dinner in the crockpot

played captain of Ava's laundry basket boat

played Joseph and answered Ava's Mary's question about where the blanket for baby Jesus was

folded more laundry

cooked turkey sausage

wiped a poopy butt

 unloaded the dishwasher

taken everything off of the top shelf in my fridge and washed it in the sink with soapy water

prayed (a LOT)

wondered if my life could possibly get any richer, or more filled with joy

remembered Benji's birthday party yesterday and the 8 happy little boys building Legos

thought about my best friend packing her house

cried when I remembered receiving prayer yesterday in church for the gift of encouragement

sent a text message to Marvin

sent a very inappropriate text message to my other best friend to make her laugh while she's in school

looked out the window and seen white snow falling on the soggy brown yard

realized that I shouldn't be blogging because I'm still playing Joseph and Ava Mary is waiting for me to play

5 readers took time to leave a thought:

My2Gs January 25, 2010 at 10:07 AM  

Cute Post! I'll chime in
It's 10:06
I've been up since 6am
Ok, I'll stop there because you have me beat hands down! LOL :-)

Tarrah January 25, 2010 at 11:45 AM  

That sounds like a really wonderful morning!!

Nicole January 25, 2010 at 12:14 PM  

You've not been very busy , right? LOL! Sounds to me like you are a great wife and mom!!

McSarah January 25, 2010 at 8:02 PM  

loved my message : ) made me laugh!!!!

Megan January 26, 2010 at 12:32 PM  

Oh, the life of a mom!

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